Legion M PHOTO Hunt

Friends, Romans, countrymen, send us your selfies!

As everyone in the Legion M community knows, the best thing about Legion M is how incredibly smart, creative, friendly, and gosh-darn good looking everyone in the Legion M community is! We know it, you know it, and now we want to share it with the world.

We’re looking for great photos of shareholders that we can use to show off. We’re looking for all ages, genders, body shapes, and armor classes. Selfies, candids, and portraits are all OK — anything worthy of sending to a friend or posting on social media. The only rules are:

  1. You must have permission from everyone in the photo (and the photographer). When you submit, you are granting Legion M permission to use the photo online, in Facebook ads, in printed materials - potentially even in a movie trailer before a film (OK, that’s a stretch, but you never know). You are also representing that you have the rights to do so. If that’s not the case please don’t submit.

  2. The photo must related to Legion M. This could be anything — wearing Legion M gear, standing in front of a Legion M movie poster, at a Legion M event, etc. The pics from your last family reunion may be awesome, but they are not what we are looking for. Unless your entire family consists of Legion M investors, in which case that is EXACTLY what we are looking for.

  3. Be creative and HAVE FUN WITH IT! More than anything, we want photos that communicate just how incredibly fun, friendly, and fantastic the Legion M community is. You don’t have to be a supermodel (though we won’t hold it against you if you are) to be a great representative of Legion M.