How Do Merch Sales Impact Legion M
From day one, the Legion M community has demanded merch to show off their LM pride and during this time, we have also acquired licensing rights to many of our films and upcoming projects, to not only design, manufacture, and sell related merch, but also wholesale and license out those IPs to other retailers.
We often get questions asking us if we only market to the Legion M community, but the fact is, though we make our current members and investors aware of the awesome merch we have available, we also do a wide variety of marketing to those outside the Legion. Plus we have a number of wholesale and licensing partners that market to their own communities as well as the general public.
Direct to Consumer: We design and manufacture rad product that we sell at This is currently our #1 source of merch income and has seen massive growth in the last few years.
Wholesale: Small but growing part of our business—we design and manufacture products for other retailers to sell. Wholesale is a great way to expand outreach while earning $$ for the company.
Licensing: When other companies want to design, manufacture, and sell IP-related merch, they sign a licensing agreement with us. We retain control over product approvals and receive royalties on sales.
Keep in mind, films are normally long-term prospects, whereas merchandising and licensing are a way to provide more short-term profits. So while it can take years to see returns on projects in development, it’s possible to start making money from IP-related merch before the film/show ever releases. And, every cent profit from merch goes right back into YOUR company — which can enable us to grow faster and decrease the need for additional capital. We believe that the investments we make into merchandise related to our projects pay dividends beyond the revenues they generate. It’s no coincidence that entertainment giants monetize their IP—on top of profitability and consistency, merchandise and licensing is a fantastic way to drive awareness and introduce people to the Legion!