Legion M is excited to partner with Greg Grunberg (Heroes, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker) and Brad Savage's (Red Dawn, Geeking Out) Bandwagon Media, writer/producer Diego Cantu, and 150 (a division of Warner Media) to introduce a new series of shorts created by some of the best writers in the business along with...YOU!

Called "The Insiders," this COVID-era series of shorts take place entirely in Zoom conference calls. Bandwagon Media has pulled together an all-star cast of players to act in the shorts, and 150 has enlisted some of the brightest writers in the business to write them. But they want your input!

Below is a synopsis of each short, along with a set of names/songs/ideas/etc that they are looking to crowd-source from the Legion. Use the forms below to submit your ideas, and the writers will choose their favorites to put in the show! In the meantime, stay-tuned for an announcement on when the series will premier, and join us for a watch-along with Greg and some of the cast when the series airs on Legion M's Twitch channel!

ZOOM Garden 101

Synopsis: While doing a video Zoom call, the teacher of an at-home organic gardening group has a terrible allergic reaction from a bee sting and is knocked out cold, leaving the group of viewers with the task of saving his life (a man they do not know, nor do they know where he is) over the computer.

LEGION M MEMBERS: Name the characters and the special compost the host is making, and give us your wildest ideas for what our characters may suggest to cure the bee sting! The more out-there, the better.

Tiger King Theory Chat Room

Synopsis: These are random people through social media who have connected on a blog post about the documentary series “Tiger King” on Netflix. These characters can be insane, but all need to be real and their conspiracy theories about the show should be outrageous yet maybe a couple of them are obsessed fans of Joe Exotic.

LEGION M MEMBERS: Name the characters and come up with the conspiracy theories!

Date Chat Roulette

Synopsis: Two single folks spin the digital wheel to see who they get hooked up with on this dating version of chat roulette. It seems perfectly normal until the first-date conversation gets a little deeper and weird as the characters reveal their true colors.

LEGION M MEMBERS: Name the characters and come up with their weird quirks and backgrounds!


Brother Sister Musical Therapy

Synopsis: A brother and sister musical group from the 90s haven’t spoken since then. Terrible family squabble. In an attempt to heal old wounds, a “musical therapist” gets them together on a Zoom call to work it out and start fresh. The musical therapist insists that the brother and sister speak to each other using the only medium they could always agree on - through song.

LEGION M MEMBERS: Name the characters and come up with the title of their songs!


Synopsis: After a long day of running the country Donald Trump turns to his muse Jeff Goldblum to help him fall asleep. Nuggets of wisdom. Bedtime stories, party games, and “six degrees of separation” with Goldblum films.

LEGION M MEMBERS: Submit your favorite Jeff Goldblum films!

For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, your participation in this program constitutes your express permission giving Legion M, Bandwagon Media, and Warner 150 sole ownership over your ideas and contributions in perpetuity. Do not participate if you do not agree to these terms.