'My Dead Friend Zoe' is Certified Fresh!

As we head into Week 2 of the theatrical release for MY DEAD FRIEND ZOE, the film has been officially CERTIFIED FRESH by Rotten Tomatoes!! We’re also holding steady at 95% with both critics and audiences, proving what we’ve known all along — this is an incredible film!

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Legion M Team
Round 10 Launch Announcement

We couldn’t be more excited to announce that Round 10 is officially open for Friends and Family at invest.legionm.com. We’ll be making big public announcements over the next couple weeks, but starting today the site is open to you (along with any friends and family you’d like to share it with) to take advantage of a limited-time “Friends and Family” deal with the best bonus share terms Legion M has ever offered.

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Q&A: What Are My Legion M Shares Worth?

This is a great question, and one we get a lot. If you are are a current investor, hopefully this addresses your question. And if you are considering investing for the first time, hopefully this illustrates that it's not too late to "get in early" on Legion M! 

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Legion M Team
Insider #074

Each year brings us closer to realizing our long-term vision of making Legion M a powerful force in Hollywood and beyond. In 2024, we didn’t just raise the bar—we set a new standard. In the detailed year in review that follows, we invite you to celebrate the milestones we’ve reached and get excited about the future we’re building together.

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Legion M Team
Fade To Black: Post-Production Update

As we take enter this season of reflection, with exciting possibilities ahead, it’s the perfect moment to share some updates about FADE TO BLACK, a project that was chosen and greenlit by our amazing community, who then rallied to help make it possible.

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Legion M Team