Q&A: What Are My Legion M Shares Worth?
This Q&A is part of an ongoing AMA (“ask me anything”) with Legion M’s founders. If you’ve got a question you’d like to ask, please submit it here, and we’ll consider it for a future update! Note that this article was last updated in January of 2025.
This is a great question, and one we get a lot. If you are are a current investor, hopefully this addresses your question. And if you are considering investing for the first time, hopefully this illustrates that it's not too late to "get in early" on Legion M!
The shortest and most accurate answer to that question is: nobody knows yet. It’s like asking “who won” when the game is only at halftime. With Legion M, everyone's bet -- from the CEO and celebrity advisors to our smallest $40 investor -- is still on the table.
Our goal is to grow the value of Legion M large enough to IPO or have an exit that allows you to sell your shares -- hopefully at a huge profit because you got in so early. But if the company fails and goes out of business, your stock will be worth nothing more than a tax write-off. For a more detailed discsussion, please check out this article.
Yes! The chart below shows how the price of Legion M shares has increased with each successive round. These are just “paper gains” until you have the ability to sell your shares, but they give you an idea for what other people are willing to pay for shares identical to yours. Each of these prices was validated with purchases from thousands of investors, most recently in Round 9 where we sold over $6.5MM worth of shares to more than 21,000 investors.
NOTE: Following Round 8 Legion M had a 10:1 stock split. Every share purchased in Rounds 1 thru 8 is now 10 shares due the split.
1. Legion M's share price is not set on an open market the same way a publicly traded stock is. Instead, the company sets the stock price, and the public decides whether or not they would like to buy it.
2. Beginning in Round 7, Legion M’s offerings included the opportunity to receive bonus shares as a reward, which changes the effective share price for investors who receive them.
Technically you are free to sell your shares in most cases*. That said, since the stock is not currently listed on any secondary exchanges, you’ll need to find your own buyer, negotiate a price, and execute the transaction yourself. This can be done (and we’ve many investors do it), but it’s too much of a hassle for most folks. As such, Legion M is generally considered an “illiquid” investment. To learn more about the process of selling your shares, please email team@legionm.com.
* The only folks that may not be able to legally sell would be Round 10 investors, who are prohibited from selling to some (but not all) buyers until an SEC mandated 1 year “lockup period” expires.
That’s the million dollar question! Legion M is a company with a valuation of less than $90MM in an industry where successful companies can be valued in billions and market leaders in hundreds of billions. As such we believe that if Legion M is successful, there is a LOT of potential upside. That said, there’s also a great deal of risk — most startups fail, and if that happens the stock will likely be worth nothing but a tax writeup.
The important thing to understand is that we’re all in this together. The founders have taken huge pay cuts in exchange for “sweat equity”. High profile advisors like William Shatner and Dean Devlin help us for free in exchange for stock options. Our upside in Legion M is the same as yours -- the value of the stock. And since all Legion M shares have the exact same financial terms, we’re all in the same boat. We win together or we lose together. So lets win!
YES! Unlike most investments, you don't have to sit back and wait to see what happens -- you can play a role in the company's success! Come out to see our movies when they play in theaters. Bring a couple friends. Join us at a Legion M event. Help spread the word, and help grow the community. The bigger Legion M gets, the stronger we become. And when we unite, we can do anything!
Onward and Upward,
Jeff, Paul and the Legion M team