🍿 TIME - Watch MY DEAD FRIEND ZOE From Home Today!
Get your remote control ready… MY DEAD FRIEND ZOE is now available digitally to buy/rent across most major VOD platforms. This is an exciting, yet critical time for this phase of the film’s release, so with that in mind, we have an important mission for you… WATCH THE FILM THIS WEEK!
Making it to the top of the “new release” charts when a film first drops on VOD, directly affects visibility on each platform, which in turn, impacts how well the film does — particularly when it comes to how long it stays on the home page and in front of audiences who are looking for something to watch. So we’re rallying the troops to vault MY DEAD FRIEND ZOE into the lead.
To help ensure this incredibly impactful film hits the top of the charts and reaches the widest possible audience, you can buy/rent a copy to watch through one of the links below (and if you’ve already pre-ordered — we sincerely thank you!). Also please feel free to share this info with your friends/family or anyone else who has been excitedly waiting to see MY DEAD FRIEND ZOE.
The outpouring of support for this film has been truly moving and each and every personal story that has been shared with us over the last few weeks has served to reinforce our belief that this is a movie that absolutely can (and will) change lives. So we can’t thank you enough for taking this incredible journey with us.
Onward & Upward!
PS. If you are a veteran (or know someone who is) you/they can submit a request here to watch the film for free, courtesy of our Pay-it-Forward campaign (via The Bob Woodruff Foundation).