Legion M is all about opening the gates to Hollywood. That includes creating opportunities for students who are furthering their education to learn about the entertainment business in a meaningful, hands-on way. Legion M has a highly selective internship program to allow students receiving college credit to get real-world experience in television and film. If this is you, we invite you to apply below!
Please note that there is no guarantee that we will be bringing on interns in all areas. However, we will be able to refer back to our pool of candidates as opportunities arise. The more information you can give us about your areas of expertise and interest, the better equipped we will be to match you with an opportunity that is right for you!
Field of Study: Film and Television
Fun Fact: The last time I exercised was two years ago when I passed out at a spin class and they had to call campus EMS on me!
Field of Study: Arts Administration/Management in Theatre and Media Communications
Fun Fact: I have a Kermit the Frog tattoo!!
Field of Study: Digital Filmmaking and Video
Fun Fact: Currently part of the "3%" chosen to advance to the second round of the Black Boy Writes Black Girl Writes mentorship sponsored by stage 32, Final Draft and Black Boy Writes Media.
Field of Study: Broadcast Journalism / African American Studies
Fun Fact: I hate rollercoasters but I enjoy amusement parks. Just without the rollercoasters.
Field of Study: Game Design and Development
Fun Fact: Being a D&D DM has been a major part of my life for half a decade! I have been a running the same game, with the same players for over two years.
Field of Study: MFA in Dramatic Writing
Fun Fact: I have seen my favorite film, The Princess Bride, 21 times and counting!
Field of Study: Television Writing and Production
Fun Fact: I can guess any Taylor Swift song in under 15 seconds!
“I have had a few internships in the past and have had experiences reading scripts and completing coverage. But I have never felt more encouraged and supported than here at Legion M. The feedback I received really helped me and all the different seminars really enlightened me on the industry experience. But, most of all, they encouraged my pitches and actively helped me to progress in my endeavors. I have never had that kind of experience and I can't wait to keep in touch!”
Field of Study: Communications with an emphasis in Entertainment and Tourism .
Fun Fact: Studied abroad in the Philippines for a year in high school.
“Interning at Legion M was an amazing first experience in the entertainment industry. Not only are they unique by being the first fan-owned entertainment company, but the people that make up this small but mighty team are some of the nicest and most hard-working people you will ever meet. I was a Development Intern, and I was happy enough to even start working in the entertainment industry, so I was open to any and all work. That being said, I got to work with the heads of different departments and help out the Development team, Merchandising, and Social Media.
What stands out about this internship is that it doesn’t feel like an internship at all. You’re not expected to do mindless work like getting coffee or pick up someone’s dry cleaning. They actually want you to get involved in the projects they’re working on and want your feedback. They want your ideas and make sure you are getting as much experience out of it as they are getting help from you.
The COO, Terri Lubaroff, was who I reported to during my time at Legion M, and while she juggled so many things on her plate, she still made it a point to make sure I was learning and getting what I wanted out of my experience there.
So if I had any advice for anyone thinking about applying to intern at Legion M, it would be this: Don't think about applying. You need to apply. Because even though my time as an intern is over, I always hope there can be an opportunity in the future with this amazing company.”
Field of Study: Entrepreneurship and Finance
Fun Fact: Amateur whittler (it is not going great); abominator of mayonnaise; lover of 80s music
“My time at Legion M was fantastic! I was amazed at how wonderful, genuine, and kind the entire team was. It was great being a part of something so exciting as what Legion M is accomplishing. For anyone interested in exploring, learning about, or honing your skills in the film industry, you must join the Legion!
A few quick tips for anyone considering the internship: 1) Absolutely do it – you will have a great time! 2) When you clear your browser cache, do not forget to uncheck “stored passwords” (otherwise you will probably have to write a sheepish e-mail to Eric… sorry again, Eric). 3) Step into the role and what you are interested in – you can shape your own experience.”

Please fill out your application as completely as possible. Please note that this opportunity is open ONLY to students currently enrolled in higher education who are able to receive school credit. If you have any questions, feel free to email