Legion M

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Round 8 Worldwide Toast FAQ

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted questions for the Worldwide Toast. As many were similar, we've done our best to generalize and merge where appropriate so that we could get them all answered for you here. However, if you have any other questions, comments or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to team@legionm.com—we love hearing from you!


  • What other projects are you all working on currently? We have announced a number of new projects recently, such as our (currently untitled) William Shatner Documentary, Nandor Fodor & The Talking Mongoose, Tales of the Moonlight Cutter, This Is Not Financial Advice, and Mary's Monster, but we also have a number of other projects in various stages of development and production. Check out our full project slate here.

  • Do you guys plan on producing animation movies and shows? We have several animation projects in the works such as The Emperor's Blades, Ghosts of Manhattan, and Tales of the Moonlight Cutter. For more information, you can view our full project slate here.

  • What are the chances there will be more events and projects located in the Baltimore/DC area (or other areas of the country)? We are always looking for ways to meet those in the Legion M community, so if you have suggestions for events in your local area, you can always reach out to team@legionm.com and let us know. But we love DC, and in fact, Jeff went to meetups out there for Colossal and Bad Samaritan. We've also been to Awesome Con before, and though we don’t have any upcoming plans in that area, it’s likely we'll be out there again at some point!

    In terms of where projects are filmed, there are a variety of factors that go into making those decisions. So while we are always looking for opportunities to involve the Legion as much as possible, in the end a lot of that will depend on what locations best suit the overall needs of each particular project.

  • What's the plan for the ICONS series? Any idea when the Stan Lee one will be shown? ICONS: Face to Face is still very much an active Legion M project and Terri gave an update on that during the Worldwide Toast. You can re-watch that segment here.

  • How do we apply/audition to work on a project? A lot depends on the project and who we are partnering with, but typically we work with casting directors for television and film. However, whenever there are casting call or other production opportunities available, we will also make an announcement via email, social media, and blog post to let our community know about them. In the meantime, we encourage you to join our Legion of Creatives group on Facebook, where creatives in the community can post about their projects and entertainment-related skills and network with others who are like-minded.

  • Is there any way for investors to be a part of a production? We are always looking for ways to get those in the Legion involved in our projects and have done so in the past on Jay & Silent Bob Reboot, Archenemy, The Man in the White Van, and even just recently on Nandor Fodor & The Talking Mongoose. Anytime there are opportunities available we will let everyone know about them via email, social media, and blog posts on our website—so just keep an eye out for our announcements!

  • Are there any updates on some of our older projects? We gave lots of project updates during the Worldwide toast, so hopefully you got the chance to see that, but if not, you can get all the latest right here.

  • With COVID regulations easing up, are there plans to start bringing members and investors back on set? Yes, and in fact we had some investors come visit the set (and appear as extras) in the recently filmed Nandor Fodor & The Talking Mongoose. So definitely keep an eye out for those announcements whenever there are opportunities available.

  • Will Legion M venture into VR entertainment (for example: gaming)? We're very open to it. We have one VR project on our slate (ICONS), but the market really hasn't developed yet, so we're still treating VR as experimental. We have no doubt in time it will take over, but it's not clear when that wave will finally come.

  • Can we offer more acting/production work opportunities to Legion M investors? As we've grown we've had more and more production needs like the ones you are describing. Our preference is always to hire from within the Legion, and as we grow we'd like to expand our abilities to do so.

  • Is it possible to produce World War Z 2? While we are always open to possibilities, our primary focus is on new content. In particular, there are often logistical issues that make things more difficult when it comes to picking up canceled films/series.

  • How do I submit (comics, books, scripts, etc.) to the Legion M team? Generally speaking, we are unable to accept unsolicited submissions. However, we are always looking for ways to accommodate those who would like to submit and do have several projects in development which would give members and investors the opportunity to do so. In the meantime, we have our Legion of Creatives group on Facebook, where creative members and investors can post about their projects and entertainment-related skills, and network with others who are like-minded. While it's not an official submission channel, the Legion M team does browse the group's posts from time to time to see what everyone is up to.

    You can also sign up here to get an alert whenever we do have a call for submissions, and outside of that, the best thing to do is be active within the Legion and get to know the team. We love meeting up with creators at pitch festivals, film festivals and comic-cons, and we believe good ideas can come from anywhere—especially from our community. So please don’t hesitate to introduce yourself!


  • Will there be more opportunities for fan investing? Yes! Our stated goal is to unite one million fans as shareholders, which if we are successful will make us a massive driving force in Hollywood. We open investment rounds from time to time in pursuit of that goal, and to fund new projects which will enable the company to grow. Also, in addition to investing in Legion M as a company, we have also recently announced an opportunity to invest directly in one of our projects—our currently untitled William Shatner Documentary. You can read more about that here.

  • When is the stock split happening? Hopefully, you were able to watch the livestream where we gave an update on this, but if not… we have to wait until all Round 8 investments are completely finalized and uploaded to KoreConX before the stock split can go through. The good news is that we just received the final batch of investor information from StartEngine and have turned this over to KCX so they can get it added to the platform. Once that’s complete, we'll be able to enact the split, so it shouldn’t be too much longer.

  • When should we expect to start seeing dividends on our investment? We don't currently pay dividends as we're still in a growth phase and working on building profitable revenue streams, which is pretty typical for most startups at this stage. So for now, all proceeds are reinvested into the company to increase its value and, in turn, the share price. Though it’s possible we might pay dividends in the future, it’s still too early to make a determination about when that might happen.

  • Does our stock ever go up or down? Investing in startups is a bit different from investing in publicly traded companies, so our stock price doesn't fluctuate frequently, but it has increased a bit each round (so far). If you are looking at your KoreConX account, that will only show the number of shares you own and the original purchase price, but you can view a chart of how our stock price has changed on our StartEngine profile.

  • How much will my return be on my investment? While the company has made significant progress over the past 6 years, nobody knows what the return will be yet. This is pretty typical of how it is when investing in any startup, as when someone invests in a pre-IPO company, their return comes if the company is successful and IPOs (which can take an average of 7-10 years), or if it lists on a secondary market.

  • How can I view/download my investment information? Shares are held electronically online by our transfer agent, KoreConX, who holds the official registry of all Legion M shareholders, so we don't send out any physical paperwork or certificates, but you can always view your share information via your account on their platform. If you haven’t set up your account yet, please reach out to team@legionm.com and we’d be happy to assist you with that.

    For any investments from Rounds 1-7, you can also always access your contracts with Legion M (which include the number of shares and the purchase price) via your Wefunder account (under your Portfolio section). These serve as legal documentation of your investment and can be downloaded or printed as needed. Original documentation for any Round 8 investments will be available via your StartEngine account.

  • Is there a specific reason as to why we are so transparent regarding projects, updates, investor info, etc. with the public? Why is there not a private section / group /forum / site dedicated to only the most up to date and private info regarding the Legion and our current and upcoming progress? Great question! One of the reasons we've been so transparent has been to avoid any sort of "insider trading" issues for our shareholders. If you are in possession of non-public information, it can create risks if/when you buy/sell stock. It's probably not a huge issue yet for Legion M since our stock isn't publicly traded, but to date we've erred on the side of transparency for all rather than providing confidential information for shareholders.

  • Will the day come when current or potential investors in the U.K. will be able to get behind Legion M financially again? Trust us, we are just as frustrated with this as you are, especially with Nandor filming in the UK and Mary's Monster in the pipeline. Ultimately, we're bound by the rules of the platform we use, but there have been some developments in equity crowdfunding in the EU that could potentially open the door to offerings in more countries. Bottom line—this is something we're actively working on, but we can't make any promises quite yet.

  • Has the company moved so far that it is beyond seeking support from the likes of Shark Tank? Daymond John has a foundation called Angels and Entrepreneurs that specializes in raising capital for ventures in many areas. I know we do this ourselves but could this be a pitch to the sharks that gets us nationally/internationally noticed with a well known backer at best and somewhat free advertising at worst? We don't think we'd be a good fit for Shark Tank, but we're aware of Angels and Entrepreneurs and have had some discussions with them. Jeff will be on a livestream with StartEngine and the shark Kevin O'Leary (Mr Wonderful) next week though, but that's about as close as we've gotten with Shark Tank.

  • When is Legion M going public? Still too soon to tell. It's something we think about, but not close enough that we can start planning for it. Instead we focus on how to build value for the company. Keep in mind that while we've been doing this for 6 years now, we've only raised about $16MM, which means we're still pretty early in terms of total funding. It takes a lot longer when you are raising money $100 at a time (as opposed to going after big checks from big investors), but over time we believe it will make the company that much stronger.


  • What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything? 42

  • I invested in Round 3...are there any pins? The individual round specific pins and other Legion M related merch is available in the Legion M Shop.

  • How can we meet the staff? We love meeting those in the Legion M community! So keep an eye on our events schedule to see where we’ll be and feel free to stop by to introduce yourself!

  • How do you remain so awesome? We remain so awesome because we have such an amazing community supporting us!

  • Have you considered a more unified community chat environment like Discord? It’s a still growing space, but we do totally have a Discord!

  • What's the quirkiest merch you're considering? Lots of fun ideas for Gef the talking mongoose.

  • Any updates on the ambassador program? The ambassador program has been delayed due to concerns about labor laws. We have a ton of people that have expressed an interest in volunteering, but we also need to be mindful of restrictions on these sorts of programs for-profit companies like Legion M. We fully expect the program to move forward, but we are working now to sort out how to create a foundation that fully protects the volunteers and the company.

NOTE: We are still in the process of answering some of the questions we received, but will continue to update this page with those replies when we have them.
