Join us this Sunday for a star-studded ARCHENEMY Space Whiskey tasting!
If you've had a chance to see Legion M's latest film ARCHENEMY (and let's be honest — you have no excuse not to!), you know that Max Fist claims to enjoy a special type of whiskey in his home town of Chromium... space whiskey, of course! Inspired by the mysteries of the Crystal Cave, Archenemy Space Whiskey was created for your enjoyment!
We are hosting a special SPACE WHISKEY TASTING to celebrate! This Sunday, March 7th, at 5pm PST / 8pm EST, come taste some space whiskey with the incredible talent behind ARCHENEMY — including writer/director Adam Egypt Mortimer, stars Paul Scheer and Glenn Howerton, and more to come! We'll talk notes, aromas, and palates until we can punch holes through space-time!
Some retailers ship nation-wide; order in time for the event!
You do not need to have the whiskey in order to attend the event... but it'll be a lot more fun if you do! Does it go without saying that this is a bring-your-own-space-whiskey event...?
This is more than just another online event for you to test out new virtual backgrounds on. This is an opportunity for us to toast all of our Legion M investors — without whom this movie couldn't have been made. Not only did you make this possible, but you hold a stake in its success — so come raise a glass of space whiskey to you!
You can join us on Zoom if you'd like us to see your sparkling face, or simply stream it on Twitch if you'd just like to be in the audience.
We hope to see you there. Onward and upward!