Legion M

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End of Round Goals: 3 Major Milestones In Sight!

Round 9 ends soon, but we’ve got unfinished business on StartEngine. Between now and the end of the round, there’s a chance we could hit not just one, but as many as THREE CRITICAL MILESTONES:

  • 50,000 investors. As of our last disbursement, Legion M had exactly 47,999 unique investors (seriously, that’s the number), which means that 50,000 is within sight. It won’t be easy – only BRAND NEW investors count towards this goal, and we’re only counting investors in the company -- not those who invest in our individual films. That said, reaching this goal is a critical milestone for Legion M, and reaching it before the end of Round 9 would provide a great foundation for the next stage of the company’s development. 

  • $5,000,000. With over $4.6MM raised to date, Round 9 is already the largest in Legion M history. That said, we love to break barriers. Cracking the $5,000,000 mark would be a remarkable note for us to end the round on. 

  • Make StartEngine History (again)! As of this writing we have 15,464 investors in Round 9, which makes it the third largest (as measured by quantity of investors) in StartEngine’s history. We’re only a few hundred investors shy (15,883 is the number we need to beat) of reaching #2 on the chart. And – though this is a TALL order – if we can manage to climb to 18,062 investors we’ll pass StartEngine itself to claim the title of largest round (by shareholders) in StartEngine history!

These are lofty goals, but at Legion M we aim high. As the saying goes – shoot for the moon, for even if you miss you’ll land amongst the stars. If we can achieve some (or all!) of these goals, we believe we can slingshot around Round 9 and launch Legion M to new heights.

That’s because the bigger Legion M gets, the stronger we become! We’ve already grown from a “novel idea” to an award-winning studio that finances, produces, and distributes critically acclaimed films. If we can continue this trajectory, someday we’ll be unstoppable. And when that happens, the shareholders who own the company will reap the rewards!

Until then, THANK YOU for making Legion M what it is. 

Onward and Upward!


With Legion M you're not relegated to watching from the sidelines -- you can take an active role in helping the company succeed simply by sharing Legion M with your friends. You don’t need to try and "sell" anything, but if you’ve had a good experience with Legion M, consider sharing with friends you think might have a good experience too. Better yet, share it with friends you want to have a good experience WITH when you come out together for opening night of Legion M’s next movie!

****Investing in Legion M is speculative, illiquid, and involves a high degree of risk, including the possible loss of your entire investment. You should never invest more than you can afford to lose (not in Legion M or in ANY startup!). That said, if you can bear the risk and want to swing for the fences, we’d be honored to have you on our team!

Read the Offering Circular as well as the risks related to this offering before investing. This Reg A+ offering is made available through StartEngine Primary, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC.

In addition, as described in the Offering Circular, the Company retains the right to continue the offering beyond the Termination Date, in its sole discretion.