Legion M Gift Shares Make The Best Holiday Gift!


The holidays are upon us! We’ve heard from many of you that you’d like to invest in Legion M’s fourth round, but it’s hard this time of year with so many gifts to buy for others. We hear you! And we’ve come up with the solution – Legion M Gift Shares.

You’re not just buying shares in someone else’s name – we’re giving you something tangible you can wrap and put in their hands. Legion M Gift Shares will be issued on a card that can be redeemed online, and it comes in a beautiful Legion M folder with a signed welcome letter from cofounders Paul and Jeff, information on Legion M, as well as stickers and tattoos to show off. And just because we’re feeling that generous holiday spirit, we’ll throw in a free Legion M lapel pin for good measure.


Forget those lame generic gift cards to stores no one cares about. This year, give a meaningful gift that has the potential to grow, educate and engage your friends and family. Not only will they thank you for being so thoughtful to include them in that thing you keep talking about all the time (like nonstop), but it will also grow the size of the Legion – and that’s what we’re all about. The best part is, they’re investing with your money instead of their own, so they can’t really lose – how generous of you!

Now you just have to decide who’s going to be the lucky beneficiary. Don’t worry, Legion M has already figured out who in your life is the perfect recipient.


The Creative: Everyone’s got that friend or family member with the next great idea for a TV show or film. Perhaps they even have a film degree to back it up. If you know any budding filmmakers, writers, or creators looking to network in the entertainment industry, our community is full of them, and we’re always creating opportunities to open the gates to Hollywood for our members and investors.

The Film Buff: We all have that friend. You know the one I’m talking about. You can’t watch a film or TV show with them without hearing about that continuity error, or why did they use a jump cut instead of a match cut, and man the white balance is just terrible in this shot! Put their fanaticism to the test and see if they have what it takes to be a part of the fastest growing entertainment company owned by fans.


The Next Generation: Got any kids, or friends with kids? Know any young adults that want to learn more about the entertainment industry, or entrepreneurship in general? This is a great way to introduce them to the wonderful world of investing!

The Entrepreneur: I’m sure you have that coworker who’s always talking about their investments. Do you think they’re ready to help shake up an industry?

Legion M Gift Shares Legion M Gift Shares Legion M Gift Shares Legion M Gift Shares Legion M Gift Shares
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Legion M Gift Shares

Legion M Gift Shares will be ready to ship beginning December 3rd. And while you’re shopping in the Legion M store, check out some of the other new items we’ve added. You can now get a Legion M mug for your cocoa, cider, or joe (with an option to customize); Legion M socks to keep your feet warm on those winter nights; and for those who loved Mandy, we’ve added the infamous tiger shirt from that scene – you know the one I’m talking about – along with some other great picks.

Whatever you decide, be sure to send us lots of photos of you and your loved ones with your Legion M holiday swag. We want to brag about you!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at team@legionm.com.