Legion M

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Celebrating Stan Lee Signed Limited Edition Poster Giveaway

Celebrating Stan Lee Signed Limited Edition Poster Giveaway Official Rules

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE DOES NOT INCREASE CHANCES OF WINNING. ODDS OF WINNING DEPEND ON THE NUMBER OF ELIGIBLE ENTRIES RECEIVED. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. The Legion M “Stan Lee Signed Limited Edition Poster” giveaway Contest (“Contest”) begins at 6:15:00 PM Eastern Time (“ET”) on August 10, 2017 and ends at 11:59:59 PM ET on August 18, 2017 (“Contest Entry Period”).

1. ELIGIBILITY:  The Contest is open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia (excluding Puerto Rico and all other territories), who are 18 years of age or older and have a current and valid driver’s license or state ID. Employees, agents, officers and directors Legion M Entertainment, Inc. (“Sponsor”), it’s respective parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, franchisees, divisions, advertising, promotional, fulfillment and marketing agencies, their immediate families (parent, child, sibling or spouse) and persons living in the same households as such individuals (whether related or not) are not eligible to participate in the Contest.

2. HOW TO ENTER: There are two (2) phases to the Contest: Phase 1: The Contest Entry Period; Phase 2: The Grand Prize Winner Announcement.

Phase 1: Contest Entry Period: The Contest Entry Period begins at 06:15:00 PM Eastern Time (“ET”) on August 10, 2017 and ends at 11:59:59 PM ET on August 18, 2017. Entries received after the Contest Entry Period are void and ineligible for the random drawing.

To enter, follow @LegionMOfficial on Twitter and then retweet our official “enter to win” Celebrating Stan Lee Signed Limited Edition Poster Giveaway Contest tweet with the hashtag #LegionMStanLee.

Only entries with this hashtag will be eligible. Twitter follows and retweets with the hashtag #LegionMStanLee will populate into Tweetdraw, which will be used to select one (1) winner at random for the grand prize.

By entering, you grant Legion M Entertainment, Inc. and anyone it may authorize permission to display your tweet or post on Legion M’s website, social media sites or fundraising sites. Winner agrees to allow the use of his/her names, likeness, and/or voice in publicity or advertising concerning this promotion without compensation. Entrant agrees and acknowledges that the Entrant may not be entitled to any compensation for any use of Sponsor of this material.

As a condition of entry, Contest entrants irrevocably grant to Sponsor, Contest Entities and their affiliates, legal representatives, assigns, agents and licensees a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sublicensable, unconditional, perpetual and transferable right and license to:

Reproduce, encode, store, modify, copy, transmit, publish, post, broadcast, display, publicly perform, adapt, exhibit and/or otherwise use or reuse (without limitation, as to when or to the number of times used), the Entrant’s submitted name, address, image, likeness, statements, biographical material in contest promotions.

Use the Contest Entry Materials for advertising, promotion or commercial purposes and the right, without limitation, to publicly display, reproduce and distribute the Contest Entry Materials in any media format or medium and through any media channel.

Allow access to material via RSS or any similar feed.

Forfeit rights of privacy, intellectual property rights or other legal or moral rights that would preclude Sponsor or affiliates from using the Contest Entry Material for promotional purposes and agrees to never sue or assert any claim against the Contest Entities’ use of those Materials. The Contest Entities shall have the right to disqualify any entries that they deem to be obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, lewd, derogatory, inappropriate, or otherwise not in good taste, as determined by the Contest Entities in their sole discretion.

The Contest Entities are not responsible for late, lost, illegible, incomplete, stolen, garbled or misdirected entries, all of which are void.

Phase 2: The Grand Prize Winner Notification and Announcement: The Grand Prize Winner will be notified and announced by August 19, 2017.

3. CONTEST PRIZE: Sponsor will award one (1) Grand Prize. The Grand Prize is as follows: Celebrating Stan Lee Signed Limited Edition Poster. The Total estimated retail value of the prize is $50. There will be no substitution of prizes, except at the discretion of Sponsor. Prizes may not be redeemed for cash value, nor will there be any cash compensation. 

4. PRIZE AWARDING: The Grand Prize Winner may be notified by phone or e-mail and will be required to sign a Liability and Publicity Release. The prize winner must agree in writing that Sponsor and anyone they may authorize, may without compensation publish, display and otherwise use winner’s name, photograph or other likeness, biographical information and statements concerning the Contest for purposes of advertising and promotion without additional compensation. If the potential winning entrant of any prize cannot be contacted or if the Prize Notification is returned undeliverable; or if the potential winner otherwise fails to fully comply with these Official Rules, he/she will forfeit that prize and the prize may be awarded to an alternate winner as selected by the Contest Entities.

5. GENERAL CONDITIONS: The Contest Entities are not responsible for technical failures of any kind, including but not limited to the malfunctioning of any computer, cable, network, hardware, software or web site. The Contest Entities are not responsible for lost, interrupted or unavailable network server or other connections, miscommunications, failed telephone or computer or telephone transmissions or technical failure, jumbled, scrambled or misdirected transmissions, for incorrect or inaccurate entry information, howsoever caused, or other error of any kind whether human, mechanical or electronic. Entrants found tampering with or abusing any aspect of this Contest, as solely determined by the judges, will be disqualified. If disqualified for any of the above abuses, the Entities reserve the right to terminate entrant’s eligibility to participate in the Contest. Any attempt by any person to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Contest may be in violation of criminal and civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, the Contest Entities reserve the right to seek damages from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. The Contest Entities’ failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. The Contest Entities reserve the right to terminate, cancel, suspend and/or modify the Contest if any fraud, virus or other technical problem corrupts the administration, security, or proper play of the Contest, as determined by any of the Contest Entities in its sole discretion. In such event, the Contest Entities reserve the right to award the prize to the entrant whose submission has received the highest average and most number of ratings at the time of the impairment. Only the stated number of prizes will be awarded. In no event will more prizes be awarded than those listed. In the event of a dispute as to the identity of an online entrant, the online entry in question will be deemed submitted by the authorized account holder of the e-mail. The authorized account holder shall be the natural person to whom the applicable email address has been assigned by the Internet access provider, service provider, or other online organization responsible for assigning e-mail addresses for the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address. A Potential Winner may be requested to provide the Sponsor with proof that the Potential Winner is the authorized account holder of the e-mail address associated with the winning entry.

By entering the Contest and/or accepting the prize, entrants/prize winners agree to: (a) be bound by these rules; (b) release the Contest Entities, their parent companies, or organizations, subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising and promotion partners, fulfillment and/or judging agencies, agents and their estate and/or family members from all liability, claims, action, or proceedings relating to the Contest and from injuries or damages arising in connection with or relating to participation in the Contest, or use or misuse of the prize; and (c) waive any right to claim ambiguity in the Contest or these Official Rules. By accepting the prize, winner further acknowledges that the Sponsor and any other entity involved with this Contest have neither made, nor are in any manner responsible or liable for, any warranty, representation or guarantee, express or implied in fact or in law, relative to the prize or prize suppliers or to any portion thereof, including but not limited to its quality, merchantability, mechanical condition, or fitness for a particular purpose including, without limitation, use of any equipment associated with the prize. All taxes and other expenses not specified herein, including federal, state, local, and departure, licenses and registrations, are the sole responsibility of the winner. Sponsor reserves the right to modify these Official Rules for clarification purposes without materially affecting the terms and conditions of the Contest, to void suspect entries and/or cancel, terminate or suspend any portion of this Contest should a virus, bugs, non-authorized human intervention or other causes beyond the control of Sponsor corrupt or impair the administration, security, fairness or proper play of the Contest and, in any such event, at its discretion, select winners from eligible, non-suspect entries received prior to the event requiring such termination, cancellation or suspension.

Contest Entities are not responsible for typographical or other errors in the offer or administration of this contest, including but not limited to errors in advertising, the Official Rules, the selection and announcement of winners, or the distribution of any prize.

All entries become the property of Sponsor and its subsidiary companies and will not be acknowledged or returned. Contest Entities and each of their officers, directors, affiliates, related entities, partners, partnerships, principals, representatives, agents, licensees, sponsors, successors and assigns (i) make no warranty, guaranty or representation of any kind concerning any prize, (ii) disclaim any implied warranty, and (iii) are not liable for injury, loss, or damage of any kind resulting from the acceptance or use of any prize, travel related thereto or from participation in this contest.

This contest is in no way supported, sponsored or endorsed by Facebook or Twitter or any of their parent or subsidiary companies.  

6. TAX INFORMATION: All federal, state, local, and other taxes on prizes are the sole responsibility of the applicable winner.

7. DISPUTES: Except where prohibited, all issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of the entrant and the Contest Entities in connection with the Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of California without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules. Entrant agrees to indemnify Sponsor for all claims brought by third parties in connection with Contest Entry Material.

8. WINNER LIST: To receive the name of the winner, send an e-mail by October 1, 2017 to:Team@thelegionm.com

Sponsored by:
Legion M Entertainment, Inc.

6425 Christie Ave., Suite 500

Emeryville, CA  94608