This Is Not Financial Advice — Review By Dean Hawkey


This is not financial advice and it isn’t your typical film review either.

Buckle up, folks, because my journey with Legion M has been a long one, and before we dive into the film, we need to take a detour through some backstory. But fear not, all these threads will come together in the end, just like a well-crafted screenplay.

Flashback to 2016, a time when I had been dabbling in the stock market for over two decades and consistently ending up no further than where I started. I did my research, diversified my investments, and bet on companies with solid ideas and balance sheets. Alas, I soon discovered that playing with the big boys of Wall Street and capitalism was like swimming in shark-infested waters while they were busy ‘shorting’ everything I was ‘longing.’

And then along came the JOBS Act, a glimmer of hope that allowed investors from all income levels to dabble in angel investing. Finally, a chance to jump into the game without the Good Ol’ Boys beating us to the punch. Now this piqued my interest. I cautiously followed various projects, making small investments here and there.

And then I stumbled on Legion M.

This one felt different, not just another scammy project capitalizing on crowdfunding. No, this was a well-thought-out plan to revolutionize an entire industry, leveraging the power of fandom. They painted a captivating picture with their promos and sizzle reels. But coming from a marketing background, I remained skeptical.

However, what sold me was the vision of the founders. I meticulously researched them, devouring every idea they had for building a new breed of production company—one driven by fans, not just sequels for a quick buck. I went in hard, investing a substantial sum, fully aware that my chances of turning a profit were dim. But they say… Invest in something you truly believe in and can change the world. So I took the leap.

Now, nearly seven years later, I can confidently say it was the best investment I ever made, and I've continued to double down each round. Not because of the promise of monetary gains, since I haven’t sold a share and have no intention. No, my reasons go beyond the financials.

Let me tie this together before this begins sounding like a broker pitch. Last weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the premiere of THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE, co-produced by none other than Legion M. Frankly, I've lost count of how many films we've been involved in since the beginning—it's been a whirlwind. When we started, I naively thought having five films under our belt by now would be an accomplishment. Little did I know that this year alone, we're set to release that many and more.

However, what's interesting is, this project breaks away from the sci-fi, horror mold we started leaning toward. Venturing into uncharted territory—a genre that would at first glance seem out of place for this comic con based style of fandom. But it's not just a creative pivot; it's a strategic move. Diversifying our slate and appealing to wider audiences are crucial, but the underlying message of this film resonates with the same power that ignited the birth of Legion M. Suddenly, average people who had never shown an interest in investing are taking notice, and that's no coincidence.

Remember how I mentioned feeling like a perpetual loser in the battle against capitalism? Well, the premise of this movie speaks directly to that. The title, THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE, serves as a warning sign before you plunge headfirst into its story. Why? Because the characters in this film embody the 'nothing left to lose' attitude. They're not cashing out until they reach the “moon.”

This is a story about you and me, about hardworking individuals struggling to make ends meet while watching capitalism grow stronger and greedier with each passing year. It's about those who have fought against insurmountable odds, realizing that breaking free from the shackles of the system seems nearly impossible. Meanwhile, brokerage firms are raking in profits, inflation soars, raises remain stagnant, and CEOs casually give themselves bonuses until their salaries are so astronomical that counting the zeros requires numerous commas.

To those outside the crypto industry, these stories may seem irrational, but as I sat there watching, I couldn't help but feel that my own tale would fit right into this plot, resonating with the characters' mindsets.

The film follows three different investors, each with their own strategies, united by the belief that 'cash is trash' and a profound faith in the future of their investments. But these investments aren't the kind that interests Wall Street; they're decentralized. They stand in stark contrast to the capitalist world, created by the people, for the people, and run by the community—investments where people find value in more than mere cash. Yes, I'm talking about the world of crypto, not just cryptocurrencies themselves, but the underlying power of blockchain technology.

Now, I understand that some of you might be scratching your heads, for if you haven't taken the red pill of crypto, it's hard to comprehend. However, there are thousands of companies worldwide with market caps rivaling Mastercard and Exxon, backed by cutting-edge tech that's opening new doors every day. We firmly believe that the future lies in decentralization.

My personal obsession with Bitcoin began during the 2017 bull run when I devoured the Satoshi white paper and had a Eureka moment—an epiphany akin to when I jumped on board the Legion a year prior. I was searching for a champion to take on the corporate behemoths of both Hollywood Blvd and Wall Street. So, I went all in with Bitcoin, just as I did with Legion M, scrounging what I could, cashing in my IRAs, facing substantial tax hits, and putting everything on BTC despite how foolish it would seem to anyone else. (Did I mention this is not financial advice?)

Now, if you've been following the crypto market, you'll know that my wins were short-lived. I took a massive hit during the dark years, but I held on tight. We're currently going through another bear market right now, and I couldn't care less. Every paycheck, I throw whatever I can into bolstering my position in an economy from which I never intend to withdraw. Remember, I firmly believe that crypto is the future. My portfolio today approximates to 50% crypto, blockchain and metaverse projects, another 40% in Legion M, and the remaining 10% In a few other crowdfunding projects that I am more investing to support because I want them to succeed and to appear diversified, than my belief they will make it. But you’ll notice that the weight of trust I place on those bets in comparison to my other two passions. Why? Because again, both crypto and Legion M have the potential to change the world and shape the future through decentralization. And I truly believe they are already doing that.

Now, let's return to my day at the premiere of TINFA and how it all comes together. This marks my fourth Legion M premiere I’ve attended since 2016. The first one, COLOSSAL, also took place in NYC, and it was our debut release—a meetup that garnered a fantastic turnout and I was already feeling the pride of ownership that early. I also made the five-hour commute to the Big Apple on another occasion for the premiere of MEMORY: THE ORIGINS OF ALIEN. So, before attending this latest event, I already felt deeply connected to the industry, having witnessed some of these films from concept to completion, all while proudly sporting our production credits.

Naturally, with my background, I had high expectations for this premiere, and I wasn't let down. In fact, it had already been an amazing week for Legion M, with the announcement of Ed Harris joining the cast of MY DEAD FRIEND ZOE and my personal invitation to more exclusive events, such as a William Shatner Benefit and a Zoom call with the man himself, discussing the biography we produced that premiered at SXSW to a perfect 100% rotten tomatoes score.

As soon as I spotted the tickets for the premiere event, I snagged them. Two days later, I received a personal email from our CEO, Paul, reaching out to ensure I was invited to the after-party and that he was eager to meet up with me again. Mind you, I had already received an invitation from the team, but Paul went the extra mile to guarantee our connection personally and make sure we could chat during the event.

I arrived at the suggested early time, allowing me to witness the event spring to life over the next two hours. The red carpet filled with photographers and writers, followed by members of the crew. And then, I caught a glimpse of 'Pro DOGE,' the lead actor of the film, infamous in the crypto world for going all in on a meme coin called DOGE. He rode his life savings to a million dollars and never let go, even when it crashed back down. He became the face of the 'diamond hands.' Why did he gain fame for what many would deem a poor investment strategy? It's all about the mindset—the unwavering faith in one entity, due to a lack of trust in another. Everyone involved in the world of blockchain felt that connection with 'Pro DOGE,' including myself.

But 'Pro DOGE' wasn't the only crypto investor in the film. We also had Ray, the Metaverse Tycoon, who shared my strategy and belief in the metaverse. We both own properties in Decentraland, the Sandbox, and likely many others. We see the metaverse as the epicenter of the future, free from the clutches of centralized Capitalist platforms like META. Ray, after splitting his divorce settlement, went all in on #MANA, the Decentraland token. He held on tightly until his belief became a reality, defying the odds.

Last but certainly not least, we had Kayla, a TikTok crypto influencer with a more noble goal in mind. She aims to ensure that women pay attention to crypto and get involved, preventing a repeat of the Good Ol' Boys of Wall Street. Educating and spreading awareness along the way.

The film flew by for me because each step of the characters' journey resonated deeply. I wouldn’t expect every viewer to have the same experience or takeaways unless they're part of this world, yet anyone would likely be able to better understand how one can come to this level of commitment. And may walk away seeing us irrational Cyberpunks, less as punks, and more as visionaries.

So, here's where the film and Legion M merge on a deeper level. During my conversation with Paul, he acknowledged that the connection between the mindset of the Crypto world and the retail investor turning to Crowdfunding was what drew the legion to the story originally. Crypto investors have had enough of an economy that works against average folks and particularly investors. Capitalism has centralized power and have governments in a stranglehold.

The very essence of crypto lies in its decentralization, which is why a metaverse owned, governed, built, and consumed by the people is named ‘Decentraland.’ It makes perfect sense.

When I reflect on the business model that Legion M was built upon, I see the same concept in action. The 'M̅' in our name represents the goal of reaching one million investors. We aim to target smaller investors because that's where the power of decentralization lies. If you have a built-in fan base of one million, the impact on a Hollywood production company is immeasurable. Not only will these investors watch our films, but they'll also be part of the process from the very beginning. The Legion's ideas and opinions shape the scripts, and they don't come solely from the top down. They come from everywhere—Legion members write scripts, uncover hidden gems, scout locations, equipment, vehicles, and talent. They even take on roles as extras, create Nicolas Cage shrines in their homes, become Legion M ambassadors, Elite Film Scouts, watch pre-screenings, organize meetups, read scripts, organize events, and spread the word on social media with gleeful enthusiasm. They don’t do this for a salary. They do it because they are proud. And they are vested in their own passions. And when I say 'they,' I mostly mean ‘me,’ but I'm not alone. Countless others share my passion.

When I dove into Legion M, I had a strange sense of confidence, despite the risks. I saw Jeff and Paul's vision, and better yet, I've witnessed it coming to life. Every year, they manage to surpass my wildest expectations, building a stronger company while avoiding unnecessary risks as an early-stage startup. Today, I am actively seeking to relocate across the country to be closer to the action when I retire.

For decades, investing felt like a job that never paid off. After nine rounds with Legion M, I can confidently say that I've already been rewarded without ever cashing in a dime. And when the day comes that I do cash out some of that. I fully expect the Legion to continue to pay the dividends I have reaped so far. I’ve experienced more of the industry than I ever thought possible for someone without connections. Now, here I am, attending premieres and after-parties, rubbing shoulders with directors, film-financiers and stars, and on a first-name basis with the entire team.

Funny, I never even received an email from Tim Cook when I invested in Apple.

So there you have it, folks, my journey with Legion M intertwined with the premiere of TINFA. It's a story that encapsulates the struggles of the average person against the overwhelming forces of capitalism. It's a story of decentralized power, be it in the crypto world or Legion M. And as I continue this exciting adventure, I eagerly await the next chapter, knowing that together, Legion M and the power of blockchain can truly change the world and shape the future.

Onward and Upward — Dean Hawkey

Legion M Team